Hot on the heels of Billy's and Betty's lists, here we have ten songs that I'm embarrassed to admit I really like, with accompanying YouTube videos.
Actually I'm embarrassed at *every* song that I like, with the result that I can't listen to music out loud if there's anyone else in the house, or even if I think that next door might be able to hear, in case they FORM AN OPINION of my musical taste. (I agonise every time I put an mp3 on the blog, too - oh, the psychological sacrifices I make in the name of blogging, etc.) If I wanted to listen to any of these out loud, I'd have to build myself a soundproof bunker on St Kilda first.
1. Gina G - Ooh Ah Just A Little Bit
My friend S. played this at my wedding, while dressed in an electric blue catsuit with a pair of fairy wings on the back. I danced so much at my wedding that when I arrived at my honeymoon destination, I couldn't walk for two days. I blame Gina G for that.
2. Savage Garden - I Want You
This is great because he sings all the words really fast. Also it sounds like a speeded up version of 'The Look' by Roxette, and speaking of which...
3. Roxette - The Look
Er, I don't really know why, but it's great, isn't it?
4. Robbie Williams and Kylie - Kids
I once invented a brilliant joke about how I was wearing hotpants when Kylie was still in short trousers, and I never miss an opportunity to say it again. This song is equally brilliant. Make of that what you will.
5. Billie Piper - Honey To The Bee
Yes, well, erm, *cough*, and moving swiftly along...
6. Mika - Grace Kelly
Even though the actual sight of Mika turns my stomach, this song is utter pop fabulousness. Although he's no Freddie Mercury, and speaking of which...
7. Queen - Killer Queen
Actually I'm not even sure I'm embarrassed to like this. How many other songs have got Moet & Chandon, Marie Antoinette, Khruschev and Kennedy all in the first verse? None, that's how many.
8. Guns 'n' Roses - Paradise City
I downloaded this out of nostalgia early last year when Mr BC sent me a brilliantly languid bossanova cover of it, and it's still on my iPod now.
9. Hanson - Mmm Bop
There is nothing wrong with liking this at all, as Tim and Chaucer's Bitch will attest.
10. Britney Spears - Baby One More Time
Poor Britney. Dalle stelle alle stalle, as the Italians say. This is still the greatest pop song ever written, I reckon.
Anyone else fancy a go?
About old films
2 days ago
Do you ever worry about having the music too loud on the mp3 player so that other people can hear your music tastes and form judgements on you? I do.
Savage Garden is a splendid choice, by the way. I'd totally forgotten about them.
Yes, absolutely. If I'm on a crowded bus or train, I always end up turning the volume down so low that even *I* can't hear what I'm listening to.
Still, better that than have someone form an opinion about me.
Can't believe you thing Paradise City is 'embarrassing'! That whole album is pure fucking gold.
St. Kilda. I was just looking at the form to apply to go and be useless on St. Kilda - I missed the deadline, thankfully - and then it came up here. I, for one, appreciate your mp3s. I still listen to Asteroid Hopper every now and again when I need perking up, which happens about 80 times a day. Livid I read the bumf on the Hanson video. Was agonising over what gender one of them was.
Ha, I also remember you trying to look Gina G up in the phone book. "It'll be under 'G'", you said.
LC: Appetite for Destruction always brings back happy memories of...erm...spending hours in my brother's bedroom playing computer games. Not sure that's entirely healthy, seeing as I must have been 16 when it came out.
BiB: Asteroid Hopper is truly a work of genius.
Nibus: Hahahaha, I'd forgotten about that. That's like that dream I had about Iggy Pop where I went up to him and said 'excuse me, Mr Pop, can I ask you something?'. Can't remember what it was I wanted to ask him, though.
Ooh Ah Just A Little Bit is the best song featuring an Australian vocalist which should have won The Eurovision Song Contest.
Well, apart from Beg, Steal Or Borrow by The New Seekers, of course.
Betty, Texas Lightning's No, No, Never, representing Germany in 2006, was, I say, the best song featuring an Australian vocalist that should have won Eurovision.
I thought about putting Gina G on my list but I didn't want to go back to my Gina G obsession of the 90s.
What's her number?
Ooh, Geoff, you've got Dire Straits on your list. I've suddenly realised I could go a *lot* more embarrassing. I very much like 'Romeo and Juliet', for example. I can't believe I just admitted that.
I remember being somewhat surprised to discover a cassette of 'Fat-Bottomed Girls' by Queen in your bedroom when I was wee. I'd assumed it belonged to Nibus, but now I know the truth.
P.S. Have been 'revisiting' Roxette recently - ace!
>>I'd assumed it belonged to Nibus<<<
Hahahahaaa - ooh, he's not going to be happy about that!
Turns out Roxette *are* great. Also: kissing is a colour and loving is a white dog. Apparently.
"I very much like 'Romeo and Juliet', for example."
"Juliet, S'me , Romeo"
"Cor! You nearly g'me an 'eart attack..."
I am now at an age where I don't have guilty pleasures; I like what I like and I'm really not going to apologise for it. But Roxette are a band who make me want to kill them every time I hear them.
Private Investigations was the first record (actually cassette single) I ever bought.
It still sounds great.
i fancy i might plunge to new depths of naffness were i to reveal my personal top ten
tiffany or debbie gibson anyone??
LH. it's OK. I think we're alone now.
Well, poo. I *like* Dire Straits' early albums — quite fond of nearly everything on Making Movies, and still love "Sultans of Swing." Harrumph on that being embarrassing, anyway.
I don't know much on your list, but Killer Queen is a great song. I think you're right that it doesn't count as embarassing.
I could admit to liking a Savage Garden song or two myself. This particular one always makes me think of Prince, though — dunno why, or if that's a bad thing.
I conclude, however, that I'm woefully out of date on pop culture. And all I've been listening to lately, for some reason, is Williamson's A Few Things to Hear Before We All Blow Up. Honestly, it's tough living here in the U.S.
My anti-spam word is 'yomit', by the way. All too close...
Queen is okay, but I'd be embarassed to overhear you liking the other stuff!
I'd choose November Rain over Paradise City. I like the video too. Axl marries a model and Slash is all unhappy about it, so he goes to the edge of a mountain and plays a guitar solo. We've all been there.
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