Urban Chick left a comment the other day (actually, weeks ago) about how it would be great to meet some other bloggers in real life. And I was thinking last night, what if I made some half-arsed plan to be in a certain London pub* on a certain date at a certain time, with some fellow bloggers, and invited all other bloggers, commenters, lurkers etc. to turn up at said place at said time?
Would it be a horrifically awkward gathering of sociopaths, or would it be a beautiful and joyous meeting of minds? Would anyone turn up at all? Should I give it a go?
* Almost certainly my local, the Seven Stars on Goldhawk Road, W12 - so I can easily run home in tears if no one turns up...
About Vonnegut and Herron
3 days ago
I think it's a jolly good idea and will be there if I can.
Well, that's settled. If James is willing to come all the way from Cornwall for this, then it has to be a goer. Watch this space for plans...
well, it would be churlish not to (given as i am receiving credit for the idea)
i will lurk in the corner, looking at my split ends, until last orders so as you don't have time to find out what a dreadful dullard i really am
[mental note to self: don't blow cover by wearing shoes posted on blog]
sorry, that was a 'yes' from me
make it when I'm a bit thinner, then we can both wear vintage low-cut rubber dresses.
UC: hurrah! If it's any consolation, I'll be the one examining my (terrible) fingernails and offsetting my social anxiety with copious amounts of valium.
Smat: I'm thinking...evening of Thursday 24th November - that way we can celebrate your birthday at the same time. Does this give you enough time to find a suitable low-cut rubber dress? I can look in Cyberdog for you if you like...
Personally, I've often wondered what you're like in real life, P.
You know me. I'm head of meeting up in person. God knows why. Anyone would think I'd got some reason to want people to see me in the flesh. I will be there if I can, but I think I might be washing my hair/at an awards do.
LC: You wouldn't want to know. I am evil and I beat my employees mercilessly. Even when I'm not wearing my low-cut vintage rubber dress...no wait, this is heading in all kinds of wrong directions at once.
cello: It wouldn't be the same without you - who else is going to make all the conversation, provide all the necessary cultural input, matchmake appropriate attendees, etc.? You must forego the hair and gongs! (I'm fairly sure I've never said that before.)
I have Brownies on a Thursday, and I don't think they're old enough to appreciate vintage rubber! Plus I have "last train home to the sticks" issues. Will have to think about it.
Possibly. It's *miles* away from my house... almost as far as Cornwall.
Also I think I'm meant to be going to a work thing (to see the Blue Man Group) that evening. Pah.
hmm, sounds fun, but Thursdays are not good for me either.
Can you fit it in to one of your horrendously exciting weekends so we can manage the travelling?
Actually, maybe a weekend before Xmas in London isn't such a good idea.
24th looks OK...will boycott spanish (feel sure i don't need to know how to find the way to the station just yet)
Mrs A: "horrendously exciting weekends", hee hee. The most exciting thing to happen to me last weekend was locking myself out of the flat. I deliberately didn't choose a weekend out of deference to *everyone else's* horrendously exciting social lives. But see below...plans are going to have to change.
Tabby: Blue Man Group, you say? With work, you say? What a coincidence - it turns out that *I too* am scheduled to go and see the Blue Man Group with work on the appointed date, so I'm going to have to change the plan. Cor, what are the chances, eh?
Bella: It is right and proper to snigger in Cyberdog, if not at the entertaining garments then certainly at the fucked-up clubbers dancing by the tills. I may have written about this before.
>Would it be a horrifically awkward gathering of sociopaths, or would it be a beautiful and joyous meeting of minds?
I think it would be both simultaneously. I'm up for that. Will check back for revised date. Not a Tuesday please if at all possible.
It's hair or gongs to be precise. If you *promise* I can do match-making - even if we're talking same sex situations - then I won't be able to resist.
*Patroclus executes belated double-take*
Same-sex pairings, cello? Did you have anyone in particular in mind?
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