Despite what the chi-chi interiors mags would have you believe, the latest de rigueur accoutrement for the contemporary London bachelorette flat isn't a set of Fornasetti Tema e Variazioni plates or Firevault's pearl-encrusted fireplace*.
No indeed. The real cognoscenti know that this Winter's must-have design accessory is a glamorous electro-punk rock chick. Having long been something of a tastemaker on the home furnishings front, I single-handedly launched this key new direction last weekend by installing the keyboard player from West London electro-shock upstarts Anarchic Hand in my sitting room.
Willowy of limb, icy blonde of hair and irreproachably fashionable of dress, the glamorous electro-punk rock chick lends a decadent air of fin-de-siècle wasterdom to my well-appointed apartment, whether adorning the red leather sofa or toasting crumpets by fairy light.
Only time will tell whether the glamorous electro-punk rock chick will turn out to be a seasonal fad or an enduring design classic. Judge for yourselves at The Ideal Anarchic Hand Show, 5 December, Ginglik**, underneath the thin end of Shepherd's Bush Green, London W12.
* Although...
** London's Coolest Arts Centre That Used To Be A Public Toilet!
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About Vonnegut and Herron
3 days ago
man alive! what are you banging on about, P? i can't keep up and hey, i watch 'the culture show' on bbc2
and as a result i now know who martha wainwright is (and i think i like her)
wahey! perhaps we can talk about her rather than electro punk wotsit thingy on 1/12 then
Oo, as it happens I'm going to see Martha on Saturday night. Can't wait.
A rough translation of this post would be "my cousin has moved into my flat - I don't know how long for." But I was reading Elle Deco at the time so it came out all convoluted.
ah, 't all makes sense now (and i may have been distracted by 'million dollar baby' which mr chick is watching in the background)
Well, would she fit into a Midlands suburban semi, rather than a London bachelorette flat, or is this another "London only" fashion trend? And are the leather sofas and crumpets compulsory? (And let's be honest, anyone "willowy of limb" is going to
a) find it difficult fighting for sofa space with the feline residents
b) earn wifey's undying enmity.)
So do you mind if we skip this trend, just the once?
I thought for a moment there you might have become a lesbian - also a fashon trend - so hopeful am I to see you 'fixed-up' with someone.
cello: sadly not, not while there's still Johnny Depp in the world.
Although - would embarking on a lesbian affair with a blood relative be more or less fashionable than becoming yer ordinary run-of-the-mill sort of lesbian?
Wanna swap your glamorous electro-punk rock chick for my flatmate (unglamorous couch-potato bloke)?
He's lardy of arse and bald of head, but cooks good veggie curry if that's any help.
Incest is always 'in'.
I don't thinking having a leggy young platinum blonde as a household accessory would do much for my self esteem but I have the feeling my husband would be much more enthusiastic about the idea ...
Why don't I get a mention, eh? Just cos I'm not willowy of limb doesn't mean I'm not a trendy household adornment.
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