A quick post to remind you that all bloggers, commenters and lurkers are most welcome to join us (when I say *us*, I'm pretty sure we will be in the plural, if not double figures) this Thursday evening for the Experimental Blog Meety-Uppy Thing in London's swinging Shepherd's Bush.
Details as follows:
The Seven Stars Bar and Dining Room
243 Goldhawk Road
London W12 8ET
Here is a map.
Nearest tubes are Ravenscourt Park (District) and Goldhawk Road (Hammersmith and City) - although the latter is quite a walk.
We'll be there from 7pm onwards to commandeer the comfy sofas.
Everyone welcome, no one has to wear badges (unless you want to). I'll be the diminutive scruffy-haired blonde one. Although it might be better to look out for LC, who still looks much like this, only without the hideous neck injuries and beatific death-bed expression.
Actually I don't even know if LC is coming. LC?
About Vonnegut and Herron
3 days ago
Marvellous, save an early spot for me.
ah yes, the recognition thing. How about bringing something recognisable to put on the table, like a copy of Cryptonomicon for example?
Can you take pictures, for us provincial types who can't make it? Or would that be wrong?
although if i could make it, once introductions were out of the way i'd spend the evening smiling politely with a glazed look as all you clever types talk about things far, far beyond my understanding. like sigur ros, and zeugmas, and cryptononononononononomicon....
i bet you still have fun tho.
J: Super - will do.
GSE: Not a bad idea. Will Quicksilver do? My copy of Cryptonomicon is out on loan.
Stef: Pictures? Good lord, no.
SG: You'll be missed! Oh and I think the conversation will revolve mainly around speed-dating and the merits of different sorts of heels on boots. And maybe Martha Wainwright.
Splendid. I shall probably be carrying Snowcrash (can't see me finishing it by Thursday) and wearing threatening business wear.
Heh heh - apparently I'm Mr Darcy. Form an orderly queue, ladies...
You didn't stammer at all. Although as I recall, you were sitting next to Stuart, so possibly you were too terrified to make a sound.
remember lurkers will need a seperate table within earshot.
Sorry I won't be able to make it - Mr Smat has an Important Meeting and I have Brownies.
Um, yes - I'm coming. Although I'll probably have to leave fairly early to get the last train back to Hove*.
*Ha! See that, that's a legitimate early escape excuse - just in case P turns out to be a psychopath in real life.
why do I get the feeling you all know each other already, apart from me?
big fat bum
can't make it
*stamps foot petulantly*
why do i just know this is going to be the beginning of something marvellous? something that will be referred to in the quality press as 'one wintry evening in early december 2005, when a little-known* group of bloggers were on the verge of taking the world by storm with their magnificent XXXXXX'
and i, buggery, won't be there
like i said: big fat bum
* excepting those who get mentions in the grauniad media
Will LC be staring at the ceiling like that all night? Could make drinking rather difficult.
I'm pobably coming along - and trying to drag a someone along but he's wimping out (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, YOU COWARD.) Sorry. That may not be enouraging people. I won't shout or anything, I promise.
Also an Eliza Bennett - P we could get together but somehow I don't think you're my type.
UC - aww, pity. I wanted to see what shoes you were going to wear (oh, and to meet you, of course)
>> why do I get the feeling you all know each other already, apart from me?<<
Well, er, ahem, it's fair to say that I seem to know everyone who claims to be coming, but they don't all know each other.
Anyway, who cares? It'll be marvellous to meet you, GSE. *And* anyone else who's planning to come along but hasn't said so.
And UC and SG and Stef and Scroobious and the Aginoths and Spinny and everyone else who can't make it or who lives in a much nicer place than London will be missed. So there.
Magnificent XXXXXX, though, hmm. Beer-drinking? Social anxiety? Prodigious smoking ability? Somehow I doubt whether any of these things will make the front page of the Guardian, Berliner format or no Berliner format.
Hmm, I seem to have accidentally made a cup of tea. How the fuck did that happen?
>>>Hmm, I seem to have accidentally made a cup of tea. How the fuck did that happen?
Dunno. An improbable series of events involving a kettle, a carelessly discarded banana skin and an escaped tiger?
That bloody tiger. Always hanging around by the teabags, distracting me from what I'm really about.
Terribly nice of you to say I'll be missed (along with the other cheeky strangers hanging around here). I'll be doubly sure to make the next one. Good luck with the XXXXXXXXXXX.
Thanks Scroob - have a good time in South Africa!
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