This is yer last one (I promise) - then I'm buggering off to France.
ME: Oh Christ, will it ever be 5.30?
L: Ten minutes.
ME: I'm going to have to gnaw my own hands off.
L: Have you got any actual work to do?
ME: Oh god, yes. I'm writing an article about whether Wi-Fi or 3G will emerge as the victorious standard for mobile data services.
L: Ah, right. Why don't you just talk about how society is collapsing and none of it is important?
ME: I think that's the main thrust of my argument, actually. "It doesn't matter, we're all going to die."
L: Now if you can just pad that out to 1,000 words...
ME: I could fill the rest of it with Nick Cave lyrics.
L: That would work.
ME: It'll be the best issue of 3G Bulletin ever.
About Vonnegut and Herron
4 days ago
Speaking of the lovely Mr Cave (and in response to your comment over in my corner) have you seen this?
He gave a great Q&A down here, in spite of a proliferation of annoyingly sycophantic goth types in the crowd.
Now there's a challenge - getting "GPRS" and "Bad Seeds" in the same sentence...
That L, eh? What a riot.
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