Don't worry, I'll stop this soon. It's just one of those weeks.
ME: So, we have the upper hand over the client. Excellent.
M: For now...
ME: Yes, like the Empire at the end of The Empire Strikes Back. You be whatsisname, and I'll be that other guy.
M: C3PO and R2D2?
ME: No, we're the Empire - we're evil. You be Darth Vader, and I'll be...his boss*.
M: You could be an ewok. A bad one.
ME: A renegade ewok. Cool.
* I think "The Emperor" was what I was grasping at here. Doh.
About Vonnegut and Herron
4 days ago
Lessons I have learned the hard way #37: Never, under any circumstances, tell your GF that she looks a bit like a fluffy little ewok, before asking her to perform the ewok dance from the end of Return of the Jedi. Even if you go to the trouble of downloading the ewok dance music from the internet for her, she won't find it funny. Really, it's just not worth it.
I can imagine. I hope she beat you cutely about the head with a small stick.
I must be the only person in the Western world never to have seen any of the Star Wars films.
and i am perhaps the only person to have seen them and erased them from my memory on leaving the cinema (a skill i am so very proud of)
Darth Vader having a boss. That was just plain wrong. Just imagine his yearly appraisal.
I saw one of them. I fell asleep.
star wars. feh. i'd rather eat my own arse.
Well let's face it Jack, you've probably seen the best one. It was all downhill after The Empire Strikes Back, anyway. Which I've only seen once - and that was last Christmas, so please don't be thinking that I'm some kind of expert.
I mean, I don't even have an opinion on how Greedo managed not to kill Han Solo at point-blank range in the Mos Eisley cantina, which I believe is the entry-level test for true Star Wars geekery.
Surely the level-entry geekery test would be the one about Obi Wan Kenobi not remembering he used to own a droid. Was he lying? Has he gone senile? Is he being sarcastic? Does anyone care anymore?
I have never seen a Star Wars film. This is often met with "where've you been living for the past 18 years,a box?"
Oh come *on*, ladies. It's not all teddy bears and rasping throats, you know. You've also got Harrison Ford in his absolute prime - verrrry tasty.
My, isn't it so fashionable among the Internet intellectual elite to disparage Star Wars...
Well, thank you for putting down your Hemingway first-editions and letting the world know your opinions...
The old Ewok dance music was so much better than the "remastered" version with the sodding panpipes. I used to like the ending. Now I feel vaguely depressed and have to shout at the TV.
Well, hello Erwin and Entropy. May I be the first to say I have no idea what you are going on about. But welcome to my blog anyway.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a dog-eared copy of The Old Man and the Sea that I'm trying to finish.
>>It was all downhill after The Empire Strikes Back, anyway. Which I've only seen once - and that was last Christmas<<
Er, would that be the day that you watched Star Wars, The Empire Srikes Back AND The Return of the Jedi - all in one sitting?????
Ah, come in, Ms Rabbit. I've been expecting you. Welcome!
And yes, it was that time. But I fell asleep at the climactic point of Return of the Jedi, thus missing not only "the most important bit" (whatever that was), but also the ewok dance. Still, apparently it's not the same now it's been remastered.
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