Being as how I am living proof - along with Billy - that it is possible to find one's life partner via the noble medium of blogging, I must encourage everyone to go and investigate Great She Elephant's new enterprise forthwith.
The lovely Ms Elephant is attempting to harness the awesome connectedness of the blogosphere to find herself a suitable date, and you - yes, YOU - can help! Or rather, halp. No, halp. It's leetspeak. Or is it lolspeak? Anyway, just go there and see for yourself.
And if it works out, not only will GSE be blissfully happy, but we might all be in a book**, which might one day be reviewed by Baby Lumps!
Go to it!
* Sorry.
** I might have dreamt this bit.
About fascination and muzzling
6 days ago
It wasn't blogging but it was the internets so it's the same thing really. I'm currently checking out my address book for suitable GSE-partners.
There's a bloke from church who might be suitable. He's frightened of me though - I mentioned the Tedfest of a few moths ago and he thought I was asking him to go with me!
>>it is possible to find one's life partner via the noble medium of blogging<<
Really? Hmph. Shortchanged again.
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