It's been, ooh, four days, so I thought I'd better write something to show I'm still alive. Although I suppose it's possible that this post could be being written by a ninja Turing nanobot rather than the 'real' me, and [continues in cyberpunk-lite vein for several hours...]
I thought about writing something (not something interesting, don't worry) about dating, but my stringent editorial policy doesn't allow that. Then I thought about writing something about the currencies of the blogosphere, but I'm *always* writing about blogging, and anyway if I don't write it here it means I've got something to write about for the nice people at Open Journal Montreal who have asked me to write a guest post. They found me through a tag - yay for tags!
Then I thought about posting up the summer barbecue playlist that I created with help from the Hype Machine (go go go, if you use the search box, it's like a nice, tidy Napster for thirtysomethings), but the sun's gone away, so it wouldn't be right.
Plus this week's heavy schedule of writing pseudo-academic rubbish at 3.30am, oppressing the proletariat at work (although I did unchain them from the spinning jennies in time for the football, because I'm an enlightened despot) and debating the similarities between Bleak House and Big Momma's House with Pashmina, Wyndham, Annie and Tim has made me really quite tired, so... I... think I'll stop now.
Oo, but before I go, here's a soaring, joyous summer song. You know this one, but it's still brilliant. Apparently it was on a Baileys advert, but I don't watch TV so I can listen to it without having to think about how Minnie Riperton has been co-opted twice - once into supplying the vocals for this tune, and once again to sell some gloopy, faux-Irish whisky-based drink. I heartily encourage you to do the same.
4 Hero - Les Fleurs (mp3) - courtesy of Cubik Musik
About Vonnegut and Herron
3 days ago
But - but - I'm having a braai* this weekend! And the sun's supposed to be coming back! Geeeve us the muuuuusic!
(This one vvg, btw.)
* Barbecues are for you English wussies. Or "British", as the case may be.
Are we talking Les Fleurs, whivh is one of my most favourite songs ever? Or something else? I don't know, it's late.
I'd recommend listening to the Minnie Ripperton/ Rotary Connection version of 'Respect'. It's magnificent, but it's also unfortunately a hairspray advert waiting to happen, especially if one of the main ingredients of the hairspray happens to be mescaline.
Oops. 'twas me. Damn non-blogspot outsider.
Yeah - it's a great track isn't it. Uugh - that comment sounded like something a filthy spammer would write. Sorry.
Nice to know you're still alive.
Scroob: How does a braai differ from a barbecue?
Wyndham: We are indeed.
Chuffy!: I tried to get 'Respect' from the Hype Machine (hur hur), but it wouldn't give me it. But it did give me 'Black Gold Of The Sun', so I'm happy. And mescaline-infused hairspray sounds like just the thing for the adventurous goth.
Rockmother: You forgot to include a link to your very interesting site about hair loss and unsecured home loans!
Dave: The ninja Turing nanobot sez: 'Ha! One-nil to me! Suckers!'
You can still just about find anything for free at non-google-owned places. That page will give you Respect, at 1:25:11
(Warning: Takes for fucking ever to download. Felt like Napstering from a dial-up, which I rather enjoyed in a retro/old-man way. Kids today with their instant, disposable gratification bah etc..)
Oo thanks Chuffy!, but it's a podcast, which I detest almost as much as you detest the Wikipedia. Unless there's a way to split podcasts into individual mp3s?
Ahh, Napster and dial-up are officially 'retro'. Must dig out that Napster t-shirt...
I deploy my beer cannon against your nanobots. 1-1
Understandable. I'm all for semi-rational boycotts.
That 'Hype Machine' is brilliant, by the way. Not sure how I've missed it so far. Now to get the t-shirt so as to dig it out in five years when music is simply zapped into our heads by passing A&R men.
chuffy!: I believe the Great She Elephant is the resident expert in the beaming-of-things-into-heads by marketing people, and she should be able to confirm the likely timeline for such developments.
Flaneur: Just for your fabulous deployment of the word 'estival', I shall investigate Oi Va Voi forthwith.
It's a op ong, defnitely.
minnie ripperton? oh lord, the voice that only dogs can hear.
LOOOOOOOO vin yewwwwwww...izzee-zy cuz yer b'yoooodiful...
you guys are so cutting edge.
pseudo academic rubbish eh? something for us all to aspire to.
Les Fleurs is indeed wonderful. Just a pain in the arse that every time I rave about it or play it, someone says "oh it's the one from the Bailey's advert" in a smug way, as if they're expecting the next song to be the Chicken Tonight jingle.
Thankyouthankyouthankyou for that link to Les Fleurs. I couldn't remember which advert it was from to look up what it was, and I *needed* to know... because it sounds just enough like the tune from We Love Katamari to get the two mixed up in my head, for about 5 weeks now.
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