NEWSFLASH: Hurrah - more Futurama finally on its way!
Looks like I won't be cancelling my Sky subscription just yet after all...
tags: futurama
About Vonnegut and Herron
3 days ago
My zodiac iconography stinks, but my French is pretty good
I read somewhere that they've also secured funding for a couple of movie length DVD features. Probably won't make it to the big screen, but all these same, Good News Everybody!
Fantastic news. Zoidberg returns!Life just hasn't been the same without him.
Ha! so glad to see they finally broke free of the constraints at Fox. They truly are the Zapf Brannigan of the media world. I thoroughly approve of Comedy Central, lots of good programmes, especially the Daily Show and now Futurama too. It makes me wish I had Sky.
Hello there Mongoosian. Zoidberg is my favourite character too, along with Bender (work of genius) and Leela (another one of my select bunch of female role models).
Favourite Zoidberg quote (from when he's investigating the picnic basket that Fry and Amy have taken on their date):
>>I haven't eaten since Tuesday! Bird eggs! Animal slices! Dry woven reeds! All gone!<<
Oh, and Zap Branigan. And Kif. I love Kif. My friend the lovely S had a flatmate who was just like him.
Oh, I *love* Futurama. Roll on 2008.
Poor Kif! So wonderful, so downtrodden. I adore Leela too. I wonder if having a cycloptic cartoon role model says something about us as individuals?
I used to have a wonderful picture of Zoidberg as Jesus onm my computer that never failed to make me laugh, I'll see if I can dig it out for you.
Futurama is fantastic. Nothing like stopping a conversation about TV in it's tracks by saying "Episode for episode, Futurama is better than the Simpsons." Jaws drop, expletives are hurled, disbelief reins. But it's true. That's the best news I've had for weeks!
Fry is my personal hero (um.. obviously).
Fry: What's so wonderful about Leela being normal? The rest of us aren't normal and that's what makes us great. Like Dr. Zoidberg; he's a weird monster who smells like he eats garbage and does. And the Professor's a senile, amoral crackpot. (Farnsworth blubbers and waves.) Hermes is a Rastafarian accountant.
Farnsworth: And, Fry, you've got that brain thing.
Fry: I already did!
Woo, Futurama!
I just wish they'd show it on normal, non-special ariel TV.
See? *Everyone* loves Futurama. I can't understand why they cancelled it in the first place. Anyone?
All hail Cylon And Garfunkel!
I love Futurama! Don't watch it nearly often enough to quote, but I think Bender is just about the most perfect animated creation since Daffy (you're desppppppicable) Duck.
It doesn't matter which one of us you vote for; you're all doomed!
wild applause
Fry sitting in armchair listening to Sir Mixalot's 'I Like Big Butts'.
Leela: "Fry, you can't just sit around listening to classical music all day!"
Ah, like LC I have based my life on the teachings of Phillip J Fry. Which is basically to listen to what my evil friend Bender says and to do it without thinking about it.
Leela: You're just jealous!
Fry: No I'm not! No...wait, I am, but my point remains valid!
And I just think it's great that after remaking the Flinstones, Matt Groening went and remade The Jetsons. Magic.
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