Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Prime-time, plasma-screen viewing of my newly-delivered Heathers DVD last night elicited the following observations:

That crush I had on teen-era Christian Slater? *So* over.

That crush I had on teen-era Winona Ryder? That's so over, too.

THE DIVINE MS P: It's amazing that even in 1988 they show the teachers smoking in the staffroom.

ME: I was allowed to smoke at my desk in 1998 at [insert name of top five global PR agency here] - but only after 6pm.

MR P: I was allowed to smoke at Pontin's - but only Superkings.

Which made me laugh a lot.


Wyndham said...

I was watching Jaws the other night and the, admittedly odious, Mayor Larry Vaughn is dragging on a fag in the hospital! This was the 70s, though, when you could probably buy 20 Players from the League of Friends cubicle.

patroclus said...

I know Pash, there was a time when I thought Earth had nothing to show more fair than that establishing shot in Heathers of the boy Slater looking evil in the school canteen. Those days are gone. Sigh.