Was Alan Turing the one at Bletchley who worked out that road junctions were the most dangerous part of the roads for cyclists so he just rode straight across them to be out of there as fast as possible so reducing the liklihood of a collision.
Wow. That's aweseome. All I was able to carve was a crude cat face. Though my friend Colleen did a detailed multi-story "spooky house" with many windows, illuminated by a moon covered with bats. Clearly I am a lesser being.
Happy Hallowe'en? All Hallows Eve is the festival of the dead, a time when some traditions say the dead are among us, their spirits whispering in our ears. You're supposed to be praying for the souls of the dead, you sinners!
Wow to the carving. I can't carve pumpkins to save my life, not even a grinning face, maybe I could photo-manipulate a really impressive effort for next year?
Question: We got a pumpkin in our household and it's all hollowed out, and we have candles aplenty. We just never got around to carving it. But is it permissable to carve it now? Hallowe'en comes but once a year and all that...
that rocks.
that's so much more artistic than the pumpkins i did for the chicklets
The question is can that pumpkin be adapted to simulate the logic of any computer that could possibly be constructed?
Was Alan Turing the one at Bletchley who worked out that road junctions were the most dangerous part of the roads for cyclists so he just rode straight across them to be out of there as fast as possible so reducing the liklihood of a collision.
Wow. That's aweseome. All I was able to carve was a crude cat face. Though my friend Colleen did a detailed multi-story "spooky house" with many windows, illuminated by a moon covered with bats. Clearly I am a lesser being.
that defines a new level of pumpkin coolness.
i did a mean face *sigh*
i did a pumpkin vomitting its own innards. crude, but effective.
Tennessee Jed here does good pumpkin head.
Never mind the bloody vegetables, Pavlov is back!
It's the same one!
You ran away while I was on holiday! I found you through LC. I like the pumpkin a lot, very cool.
y'know, ah reckon that there punkin otta be yer new avatar.
Happy Hallowe'en? All Hallows Eve is the festival of the dead, a time when some traditions say the dead are among us, their spirits whispering in our ears. You're supposed to be praying for the souls of the dead, you sinners!
Wow to the carving. I can't carve pumpkins to save my life, not even a grinning face, maybe I could photo-manipulate a really impressive effort for next year?
Question: We got a pumpkin in our household and it's all hollowed out, and we have candles aplenty. We just never got around to carving it. But is it permissable to carve it now? Hallowe'en comes but once a year and all that...
looks awfully like lenin
looks more like billy corgan to me!!!!
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