Well everyone, I'm leaving the (still) surviving pelargonium to fend for itself again, as I'm off back to France to do battle once more with nature's rubbish bounty, vanilla deodorant, and France Télécom's feeble dial-up connection.
Back in Blighty in the New Year, back in the blogosphere...in a couple of days, no doubt.
À la prochaine, mes amis.
About Vonnegut and Herron
3 days ago
Au revoir, and bonne chance. There, that's all my French exhausted. (Except for champignon)
Zut alores! (That's all my French exhausted) Looking forward to many French-themed posts.
La plume de ma tante est sur la fenetre. Probably next to the pelargonium.
Oooh! Does this mean the Panty Advert People are coming back? Not that I would ever click on anything that dubious....
Safari njema (I can't remember ANY of my French, so Swahili'll have to do).
plus ca change, plus ca le... chat.
I don't have much French for you, sadly. But I'm horrified by the idea of flavoured deodorants. Flavoured? Vanilla or otherwise, I don't want to have any cravings to lick my own armpits as the day goes on. But perhaps that's just me.
So.. good luck with all that. ;-)
Great. Start a discussion of the sort that may, if we're lucky, end in tears before bedtime, if not general murder and mayhem, then skip the country.
Ah, but the murder and mayhem would be virtual, wouldn't they? Is that better or worse?
I read in John Julius Norwich's History of Byzantium that rival gangs, supporting the various chariot racing teams, would have bust-ups so bad people got killed a LOT. And don't even get started on the whole iconodule / iconoclast hoo-hah. I reckoned it was because they didn't have telly.
Maybe if the NGOs working in the more war-torn areas of our sorry planet concentrated their efforts into telecomms in general and internet access for every household in particular, then the amputations in Sierra Leone, the ghastly civil war in Ethiopia and the general horribility in Liberia would become things of the past. They could do them online where they would have absolutely no effect whatever.
Sorry - just made all that up. Not what I wanted to say at all, which was, in fact, Have a good time.
"Voulez vous verifier les presion des pneus, et les ganfler ci c'est necessaire".
This is the second time I've left the above in a comment on a blog in a sad attempt to prove that I actually remember something I was taught in school.
Ahem, bon voyage.
Je voudrais un verre de bière merci...
Well that's me exhausted everything I remember from my 4 years of high school French.
Bon Voyage Patroclus, revenez à nous bientôt!
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