Sunday, May 28, 2006


Just counted up all the loose change in the flat. GBP 104.12, EUR 0.61, five lighters and an elastic band.

Now, what to do with it...


Liz said...

Gin! And shoes! Hurrah!

Smat said...

Spend £10.60 visiting me at the weekend!
Alternatively gin and shoes sounds more fun - can I join you?

Anonymous said...

Shoes first, *then* gin. Or you may end up with terribly terribly beautiful shoes that don't fit at all and which you will never wear but the thought of leaving them in the shop made you want to cry.

(Gin - go straight to maudlin, do not pass go...)

Sean McManus said...

Perhaps it's like flowers in the forest, which you're supposed to leave there so they can be enjoyed later. You could scatter the money all over the flat so you can relive the joy of finding it all again another day.