I think this might be The End.
Until someone invents an all-in-one nappy-changing, baby-feeding, baby-comforting, washing-up, mini-apple-pie-making, corporate copywriting machine, at least.
(Now I've said that, I'll probably be back next week. But it seems unlikely.)
About Vonnegut and Herron
5 days ago
Maybe you could just cut out the mini apple pies instead?
Oh no! Get a dishwasher and stop making mini apple pies - Mr BC can buy Mr Kiplings instead. Don't go! *clings to ankles*
ps I've got loads of holiday left. Just let me know if you want me to come take the delightful, slightly flirtatious coconut off your hands for a couple of days. I promise to hide her from my sister who thinks she's the most gorgeous thing. Also not to throw wooden balls at her head.
What?! No!
Ooh, everyone's name begins with J! Spooky!
I'm going to ruin the "j" theme, but I am just going to say NOOOOOOOO!!!!
I will wait patiently and understandingly for you.
wv - eurkina - Greek for "I'll brain you, you dirty old git", what Mrs Archimedes exclaimed when she found that the dirty bugger hadn't bothered to clean the batch again.
aww. no. Say it's only a hiatus.
Just, bloody, no no NO! NOOO!
I can't be having with this. I literally cannot express the utter unalloyed joy I get by typing 'quinquireme' into Google. It's the best thing. You are simply not allowed to stop.
You are totally allowed to pause for six months while Blue Kitten gets to the stage where she can be left on her own long enough to draft a blog post without you passing out into a coma.
*clasps sides to reassure self that THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING*
And, look, because WV is 'conconic' which must MEAN something somewhere on this godforsaken planet.
I'm clutching at straws.
Teach the baby to wipe her own stinky bumhole. If James can manage it, she can.
No, I mean, listen, right. Yours is not just a blog. I mean, it is just a blog (you haven't spooled it out into a cheesy book deal - Mum In The West, anyone?) but it's more than that... for some of us, it's like the Ur-Blog, the little blinking light that flashes on the blogosphere to show that it's working. You are blogging.
OK, so don't blog so much. Real life intrudes. We all get that. Well, those of us who have a real life. But if you stop for good, I might do something desperate, like pulling out all my eyelashes, or voting Conservative.
That's how upset I am.
(And the word verification is "soidsm" which I'm sure is a euphemism for self-pleasuring.)
We could pass the hat round and buy you a house maid.
I'm working on this, behind the scenes. None Of You Are To Panic.
I like the Arabella idea. How much do we have to throw in?
Fin is a big word (for quite a small word). And, as you know, blogging is very forgiving and you can come and go, or go and come, as you please. And as we all secretly know there's no better thing in life than a lovely blog, keep the option of further pleasure open to yourself. And us.
And Jayne's right. Mr. Kipling, for gawd's sake.
Personally I think it's a SHARK fin.
Aw. I've heard tell that those bottle things are quite good for enabling you to hand over babies to their loving dads/grandparents/neighbours etc, for a while...
Take a break, don't be stressed, we can wait.
What they all said.
Hang on in there...it does get better (says the woman who has mostly posted pictures of a small scruffy toy cat to her blog for the last six months to avoid writing anything, whose kitchen floor hasn't been washed for a month and whose daughter went to nursery this morning with unbrushed teeth).
When you find the apple-pie-making-corporate-copywriting-machine please let me know...
i am not worried because, if you're like me, fairly soon blogging will be the ONLY thing you manage to do in the midst of stewing organic pears and freezing them in ice cube trays
What Tim and Arabella said.
Also, go James!
Take a break, enjoy your beautiful little girl and we'll all still be here when you feel up to coming back.
Noooo! Think Sarah Palin.
I want to say Nooooooooooooooooooooo
and then I want to say, the other stuff, about we will all be waiting and don't stress etc, etc, but it still comes back to .....Nooooooooooooooooooooooo
and NOOOOOO!!!
and Go James!
and who needs mini apple pies anyway?
and hang on, I'm relying on you to show me where the good bits of this baby business are
and *sniff*
Yours was the first blog that showed me there is intelligent life on the internet, you led me to all sorts of other interesting people, music and resources. I would be very sad if you go but I know how demanding little ones are........ Once a month would be better than nothing. Look you made me beg.
Do you know how rare properly funny things are on the internet? If you do do it, thanks for the meat butterfly, but don't do it (and thanks for the meat butterfly in any case).
no. really, no. you MUST keep writing your blog. heave jr. over one shoulder like a sack of (barfing) potatoes and peck out a post with one finger if you have to. WE NEED YOU HERE.
There. now. i came out of starstruck, abashed lurking to tell you that. do you really want to be responsible for the psychological scarring that a subsequent denial on your part will cause? NO. NO YOU DON'T.
Noooooooo. Just noooooo. You made me sad. Just blog very occasionally. Pppppuuuuuurrrrrllleeeeeeeease.
CBeebies, ffs.
Do you have any idea how much time I'm going to have to waste trying to find another blog this readable to never quite get around to commenting on? Sigh.
Oh well, hopefully you'll be back here soon...
Ooh blimey, you're all far too kind. Actually it's not having time to respond properly to comments that's made me despair of ever being able to blog again.
But hopefully the baby + work lark will get less time-consuming at some point, and I will be able to share my profound and incisive thoughts on such important matters as the plural of 'fiasco' and the gaping logical lacunae in Dr Richard Cox's 'The Language of the Ogham Inscriptions of Scotland' once again.
Thank you all once again, you're all lovely. Now be off with you, I have mini apple pies to make.
Kitten Comes First.
End of. Laters, potaters!
I don't think that "noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!" has been said quite enough yet.
Bloody typical. The minute I refer to this blog in my MW column - OK, albeit ellipticly - you go and shut down.
You don't have to comment. We are quite happy playing amongst ourselves. But we need you to start us off.
Don't leave us!!! You know it makes sense. We need you, Q. And you need us - think of all the wonderful advice you get from us (desperately clutching at straws here)
Hang on in there.
wv: tatonc. Says it all really.
You'll be sadly missed but Kitten and Cats come first!
I think it has all been said by now really, but I'm not going to let it stop me adding my comments anyway...
Firstly, yours is the first blog I read and saw the point of, so I really, really, really want you to continue.
You should be able to take a break and enjoy the kitten before she becomes all flouncy and independent. But if you just drop us the odd snippet now and then you will find we are so pleased to see you that the absences will be instantly forgiven and forgotten.
When I read the title 'fin' on the feed I knew damn well what it meant but convinced myself it was a playful title about fish because I couldn't bear it if you gave up. Oh please don't - despite the fact I can't belieeeve you have managed to continue blogging being a new mum to such a gorgeous baby coconut. x
Oh buggernuts. Still, I suppose even bloggers have to grow up eventually ...
Speak for yourself, Betty.
The wv is "readme". Strange.
Buggernuts may very well be my favourite new word. Thanks Betty!
PS See - we can keep ourselves entertained without you responding to comments. Just post the occasional pic or burble on every now and again...
'Buggernuts'....love it I shall use it whenever I can!
Is it too late to say "Nooooo"?
Enjoy the little 'un. Keep us updated.
why not just go away for a bit and then come back. it's the new stopping completely, dontchaknow.
i understand how life changes when small people come along, i really do. but, it's just that, we've...*sobs*...been in this game for ages, from way back before book deals and doing-sex-on-the-interweb-in-words and everything.
enjoy your family. come back when you can.
[/inappropriate snivelling]
I believe Phill Barron has solved all of your problems at once.
Hope you're back blogging as soon as that machine's invented. Or you genuinely teach the baby to type.
Nope not back yet.....sigh.
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