...and also my 300th post! It's taken me four long years to get to 300, so I take my extravagant red velvet hat off to the more prolific and more talented Surly Girl, who's reached 200 seemingly in no time at all. Happy 200th, surly!
Anyway, to celebrate this blog milestone, here's a lovely, if slightly morbid, mp3 for you all:
Band of Horses - Funeral (mp3)
It's from this album by Seattle-based purveyors of mopy Americana Band of Horses, which is coming out next week. So if you need an antidote to your GW Series 2-inspired euphoria, this one should bring you right back down again. In a sort of quietly jangly, melodic, alt.country-ish kind of way, mind.
Nice artwork, too.
UPDATE: Tabby Rabbit has asked me which of my 300 posts is my favourite. Actually I hate them all in equal measure, but I do quite like this one from March 2003: Troops Poised to Attack Iraq. Because it makes the media look silly, and it has Eagle-Eyes Action Man in it.
About Tony Slattery
2 days ago
Lovely. Even though it does seem to remind me of work, somehow.
Wow, 300 posts! Should I bow or something?
Do you have a personal favourite you want to point out (to those of us that haven't read all of them*)
* Though I did read a fair few that time I 'borrowed' my neighbours' wireless and you wondered who the hell they were and why they were reading all your posts..
Yeah, all your posts are badly-written, slapdash and show no logical thought, intellect or talent.
As if.
Haven help the rest of us.
Heaven. Not haven.
See? Some of us can't even leave a decent comment. Hey ho.
I'll go now - I'm hogging the comments here (and I need to walk home, sob).
Blimey, sounds like the bastard son of Coldplay and...er...Yes.
Blimey, that's spooky, as Coldplay and Yes seem to be on telly right now - and Yes haven't got any clothes on!
Three hundred is fantastic. You are now officially a seasoned commentator on the passing scene. Well done and many more. I hope I last half as long ...
more talented? hardly. who's the one making a living from writing? hmmm? not me, that's for sure. it's all spreadsheets and supernumeraries and surfing the interweb and emailing my friends and....ah.
happy 300th, pats!
"Marketing Week reports all-time lowest conversion rate of any direct mail campaign."
You're right, that was a great post.
Many happy congratulations! 300 of them!
Scroob: Thanks! That was my favourite bit of that post as well.
Surly: You call this living? You call this writing? Also, what's a supernumerary? And how super is it, on a scale of one to five?
Dave F: I hope yours lasts much, much longer. Tip: I find that taking a year and a half off in the middle helps enormously in the longevity stakes, but not really with the post accrual rate.
on a scale of one to five (where five is green wing and one is monarch of the glen), it's about a two (friday night project), in terms of administration. unless you are one (as i will be in october. woo!), in which case it's about a seven (my name is earl on a loop. mmmm...jason lee with a handlebar mustache)
i hope that makes things clearer.
I have five (count them) supernumeraries working under me.
They are members of staff over and above the number allocated to my team. {Super=above; numerary=something to do with the numbers. I expect. Probably from the Latin).
This is actually an official title within my organisation for those who reach the age of 65, as we don't actually retire.
They may not be the same as Surly's.
Interesting stuff, Dave. Are yours Coupling*, or are they Spaced**?
* Presumably not all of them, if there are five.
** Presumably not, if they're Coupling.
Sorry. I have no idea what you mean. Two are women, three men (one of whom is an old woman).
None of them play cricket though.
Ahem, happy 300th. In the past day or so I've congratulated people for a 200th post, a birthday, a 1000th visitor and a 50,000th visitor. I wouldn't mind but the constant drinking is making me feel awful and there's no more money left in the kitty for presents. It's like Christmas.
I hope you liked the Argos straightening irons anyway.
Thanks Betty and Pash. And sorry Betty, I wasn't going to mention it, and then I was overcome by a terrible attack of hubris. It won't happen again. Well, not till the 400th post, anyway.
And I promise never to say anything about my visitor stats. Because that would be like admitting I have a problem, and I like to keep my problems very close to my chest.
Well, apart from the problem I have with my downstairs neighbour, which I like to keep as far away from my chest as possible.
mine are nothing like dave's.
supernumeraries, that is.
I know, I'm late. But anyway. Congratulations, I take my hat off. Un beso de Konrado de Alemania.
Hello and congratulations! (I followed the link from Surly's).
I've been a lurker rather than a commenter - I'll change. I promise : )
Thanks Konrad! And hello DeVice, welcome along and all that. Please feel free to lurk or comment as the fancy takes you.
Congratulations to one of the shiniest landmarks in the blogosphere. I have alerted English Heritage should you be in need of vital maintenance funds.
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! congratulations! :)
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