According to today's Observer Business & Media section, Richard Carrick, boss of holiday firm Hoseasons, believes that 'fuel costs have made some far-flung reaches of the UK, such as Scotland and Cornwall, less popular [with holidaymakers]'.
Might I urge Mr Carrick to consider the idiocy of this statement? There are no 'far-flung reaches' of the UK. There are certainly a number of exotic, dragon-infested places that are quite far from London, but that's not the same thing, is it?
(And no, Simon Calder, I haven't forgotten about your similar transgression, either.)
About fascination and muzzling
5 days ago
Given your connections to both 'far-flung' areas, is there a personal vendetta going on here, or - less interestingly - a rival holiday company who specialises in said destinations?
what about London? Aren't we quite far-flung from Scotland? Tsk, capital-ists...
'Flung.' Great word.
No, sorry. Neither ring any bells. Are they near Islington?
gimme that collazione magnifico NOW!
please tell me this means there's carluccio's down there? i'm not sure i can manage 2 weeks without a strong latte
It takes me longer to get to seven sisters from home than it takes me to get to Kent! and some times even to Birmingham driving!
And I live IN LONDON!
weird isn;t it?
Sorry, I hadn't realised there was a rest of the UK outside Norfolk.
What tube zone is that?
Cello: not so much a personal vendetta as first-hand experience of life outside London. Although judging by the general content of the Guardian and the Observer, Cornwall at least is as popular as ever, particularly with our prime-minister-in-waiting (shudder).
Annie: Exactly. In order for something to be 'far-flung' there has to be a point that you're measuring the distance from.
FR: Could it be used to describe a fling that's now over?
W: More Stoke Newington way.
RG: Carluccio's? We don't even have Starbucks! Or Caffe Nero! We have to make our own lattes at home!
Urbanvox: This must be why Seven Sisters is declining in popularity as a holiday destination.
Dave: Spoken like the true editor of the Norfolk Observer.
Boz: This is a Northern Line train, calling at all stations to John O'Groats. Passengers with no conception of life outside the capital should alight at Highgate.
I have nothing to add except "mmm, Carluccios" ... must go to Chiswick ....
london is a pretty far flung destination...if you live in the shetland islands
grrr, yes indeedy
two years of living 'up north' and i am much more irritated by the londoncentricity* of the NATIONAL media
* not a capped deal for your energy needs
yeah and yeah and...
like when on the NATIONAL news, they say 'so-and-so from hackney'
not hackney, LONDON just hackney
all of which reminds me that i was going to email the editor of the today prog to moan about them running a piece this morning about some piffling research re perceptions of wealth which was based on a pool of NINETEEN people (from LONDON) - why was it aired? um, 'cause it was plugging a book by polly toynbee and she wasn't even on (just some ignorant fool from ipsos mori)
grrr grrr and more grrr
hey, you think you have latte problems? it appears that david tennant (of whom, more, over at my place) can no longer go out for coffee at his fave venue here in stratford for fear of being mobbed. imagine that - within reach yet unattainable!
(should we bring our own supplies? i'm worried now.)
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