1. The almond pains au chocolat in Caffe Nero.
2. M&S mini super-wholefood salad*.
3. Er...that's it.
Dr Johnson is no doubt turning in his ample coffin.
In other news, is 'Run' by Gnarls Barkley this year's 'Brimful of Asha'? Decide for yourselves!
AND FINALLY... I'm so adamant about this not becoming a pregnancy blog that I've practically gone into denial, but should you be remotely interested, you may find some news here, among all the other good stuff...
* I have now located a stash of mini super-wholefood salads in M&S in Truro, hurrah! It's just the buns, then...
About fascination and muzzling
5 days ago
Harrumph. Well we don't miss you either.*
I always thought it was "Caffe Nerd" not "Nero". The logo-type is very boxy, so the capital O looks like a capital D.
LC: Being the massive nerd that I am, I don't actually feel like I've left any people behind, because I can still talk to them on MSN and Facebook and stuff. Buns, on the other hand, are best engaged with on the physical plane.
Annie R: I think they ought to change it so it actually *is* Caffe Nerd. And I think they ought to fix it so that their Truro branch gets a daily consignment of almond pains au chocolat ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME, CAFFE NERD?
I don't miss London at all.
I can see Caffe Nerd from where I'm sitting. There's a hefty Cornish bloke with three almond pains au chocolat on his plate.
Are you close enough to feel his pains, Geoff?
I'll post an almond pain au chocolat if you like.
I'm serious about this.
I'll send you one! But you'll have to send me a pasty in return. I can't see why I can go out any night of the week here in London and eat Thai, Chinese, Indian, Italian, Sri Lankan, Greek, French, Spanish, etc, etc. But I can't get a proper Cornish pasty anywhere!!!!
Congrats on the good news too, by the way. I feel a Barbie-buying spree coming on!
I quite like that Gnarls Barkley video with its "cameo" appearance by Justin "Dustin" Timberlake. Apparently it induces epilepsy though.
When I go to Cornwall I always decide that I can't possibly go back home, but the journey back takes so long that I'm usually grateful to be back in London. Oh, and it's a bit less cold here. Those are the only reasons I can think of for living in London.
can you really not get these items in Cornwall?
Exciting Blue Kitten news! Although, it sounds like you can see an awful lot more on a scan these days - in my day you could hardly see if your child had ears, never mind...yes, well *coughs*
Ahhh... the days when we thought Norman Cook was the saviour of British pop music.
Many good newsy things. I'm selfishly glad the kitten looks female as girls are more fun to knit for. Sad, the width of my tiny world...
Be healthy. Find another source for pains au chocolat. And listen to Gnarls Barkley a lot... the new album is really splendid.
Billy: That's very sweet of you, thank you. But I fear that if you did, then all the hefty Cornish blokes (and everyone else in Cornwall would want one), and there would be a riot.
Janey33: Thank you too! Are the pasties from the West Cornwall Pasty Company no good?
Betty: I like it very much too, although now I'm worried I ought to put up some kind of warning. I was going to protest and claim that Cornwall is the balmiest place in the British Isles, but on evidence gathered so far, it seems to be absolutely bloody freezing about 98% of the time.
Sylvia: I know it's hard to believe in this day and age of lean, efficient global supply chains and so forth, but apparently some products just don't penetrate this far into the wilds of the south-west.
Marsha: Hm, now you come to mention it, I don't remember seeing any ears...
Tim: Danger Mouse is the new Norman Cook.
Valerie: Perhaps in that case I will learn to knit while listening to the new GB album. You be healthy too, and enjoy SF!
Have heard (reliable) rumour that Cafe Nerd are opening a Falmouth branch...Do they operate a 'we listen to our customer voice' policy? If not there are enough bloggers in Fal to organise a sit in and demand our daily pastries.
Ooh, I hope that's true. And I'm sure that the massed force of Falmouth bloggers could persuade them into stocking the right sort of buns.
One of the regular 'Baristas' at my local Caffe Nerd gets really, really upset with me because I won't accept one of the stampy-stampy free coffee cards. She thinks I'm very strange. First she tried embarrassing me into taking one by talking about it loudly to other customers. When this failed, she tried to sneak one into my hand when she passes over my coffee.
I'm going to try turning the tables and forcing her to accept thank you notes.
Here's something you could miss about London: http://www.cupcakemum.com/index.php
or perhaps not.
You really couldn't make this sort of thing up, could you....
Boz: She probably fancies you. I would take advantage if I were you; sometimes if they like you they give you an extra stamp every time you buy a coffee.
Sylvia: Oh my god, that can't be real. Oh my god, it *is* real. 'Cupcake came about as our girlfriends made the journey from champagne-sipping singles to motherhood,' indeed. I wasn't aware you could get pregnant from drinking champagne.
Anyway, I don't think I would find that place relaxing; I think it would induce unprecedented levels of anxiety. I might have to write a whole post about Cupcake, brrr.
i shall give some thought to what i miss about london and will check back here to let you know...in, like, a few months (my brain machinations have slowed substantially since leaving the throbbing metropolis, y'see)
and ah, baby girls are lovely! and so are baby boys (have to say that as i have one of each), although you're more at risk of being pee-ed on at long range by a baby boy
Pain au chocolat would be lovely - only they'd deep-fry it here in Scotland.
As for Gnarls Barkley - yes. Incidentally, Wolverhampton's finest one-hit wonders are threatening their first album in years during 2008.
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