No doubt I will be blogging right through the festive season*, like the trooper (read: no-life saddo) that I am, but I just wanted to wish a very happy Christmas and New Year to all of you lovely readers, fellow bloggers, commenters and lurkers.
It's been another odd year for me, and you've all been instrumental in cheering me up through the bad bits and making the good bits even better. Thanks to each and every one of you, and I hope you all have a lovely time, whatever you're doing and whoever you're doing it with!
I look forward to reading your comedy Christmas deconstructions and New Year's resolutions in due course. And to catching up with me London-based blogging chums when I'm back in the big city in January.
Patroclus xxx
Oo, look at that, kisses and everything. Has my mum spiked my tea?
* This was an optimistic prediction, made before my laptop succumbed to a festive virus, and I succumbed to a festive bout of unhappiness that prevents me from blogging. Normal service will be resumed at some point, though, I'm sure.
About old films
1 day ago
And a Merry Christmas to you, dear Patroclus, and every good wish for 2007.
I'm already working on my New Year's Resolution post and oh boy is it hard going. Either I'm already perfect, or I am in dreck stepp'd in so far, were I to wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Merry Christmas and New Year, Patroclus. Are you doing another degree this year?!...
Because I'm a bit slow I thought you wrote "comedy Christmas decorations."
Merry Christmas from me, P.
Merry Christmas P thank you for the music and all that. Hope to see you in the New Year until then there's a link especially for you on my latest post.
You are lovely.
Happy Christmas to you too.
And also to you.
Thank you everyone. You are all lovely too.
Whales: I might see about starting a PhD. But seeing as the MA took six years, I can't see myself being Dr Patroclus anytime soon.
Smoo and Bella: I shall indeed be on MSN during the 'special', hope to speak to you both then! Rest assured I still know nowt about the ending.
And a very merry Christmas and New Year to you and yours too.
Blimey, I'm in a benevolent mood despite being sober. I'm sure it can't last ...
Kisses to you too xxx
(What is the special? Do not want to miss out and have everyone talking about it and not be down with the cool kids.)
Annie, it is the Green Wing feature-length special, aka the ninth and final episode of series 2.
It's on Thursday 4th Jan on C4, don't know what time, but I shall be there. As will about 95% of the known blogosphere, I should imagine. Never has one television programme inspired so many people to start blogging...
Christmas, again? It doesn't seem a year since the last one. In fact... Oh wait, it was Christmas 2007 I did back in April, so never mind.
Have an excellent Christmas and New Year, P.
N.B. This comment probably makes more sense to people who were reading my blog back in April.
Oo, you too OPC, see you in Jan (oh wait, I haven't replied to your email, hang on...)
Cheers to you, P. wherever you are in the world. See you in January, hopefully. x
Happiest of holidays to yez. I've been delighted to discover that you exist.
As for another degree, well, I didn't much like graduate school, which was a huge disappointment after loving the BA process. I must point you towards this, which really says it like it is:
In 2007, I wish you life experiences of similar quality and excitement. Or even better.
Happy [insert mainstream festival wrenched from its rightful pagan origins of choice] to you too.
But tell me, when was the last time you had a year that wasn't odd?
Thanks all, again!
Valerie: Oh, I will still be cramming the life experiences in. I would get terribly bored if I stuck myself in the ivory tower permanently.
Tim: 2000. That was a lovely year, remarkable for its general calmness, contentment and lack of oddness. If I wanted to get over-analytical about it, it's also the only year of recent times that I've spent doing what I wanted to do, rather than what someone else wanted me to do. Aye well, ye cannae mek it, as my neighbour used to say, before she died and started haunting our house.
(I've done that one before, but I still like it).
Joyeux Noel, ma chere copain (add all your own accents - I know how to do them in theory but every time I try in Blogger it sends me to some strange technical site).
Two whole years of internet friendship is pretty cool I think.
I am fascinated to know exactly how you will enjoy the GW Christmas special on the 4th. Are illegal DVDs involved or Channel 4's new downloading service?
The multilingual Pedantic Wing says: copine! Unless I've had some kind of gender realignment that I'm not aware of, always a possibility.
Thank you for the good wishes cello. I'm still in the process of replying to your last email. (Anyone see a pattern emerging here? For the record I am very bad at replying to emails generally). Two (indeed more) years of internet friendship is great, awww, look at us now, two years on...who'd have thought it, etc. etc.
I shall be watching the special as Channel 4 intended, i.e. as transmitted on actual real television. For once! Or are you trying to tell me I have the date wrong? (Not unknown).
A very merry Christmas to you cello, and to Mr C and C Minor (heh). See you on the 13th, if not before!
Well, merries and happies and wassail and eggnog and sugar plum faieries.
Christmas cheers.
Dammit MotherPie, I just came back from the shops, and completely forgot to get any of those things.
*goes out again for wassail and faeries*
I just went Christmas shopping in Inverness. Instead of buying gifts, I bought I fireproof box. Hmm.
Oh yes, Happy Christmas, Patroclus!
A very happy Christmas to you :)
Yeah, I sort of knew it was wrong after I'd pressed the button, but I would have guessed copaine, so just as well I didn't then try and correct it. Your pedantry is just one of your many delights, dear P, and far may your pedantry spread.
C minor eh? I couldn't have hoped for a finer key as an offspring(eg Beethoven's 5th)- unless you had picked C sharp minor, which is just one notch better.
Hyvää Joulua Patroclus!
Have a Christmas that's as glowing and wholesome as a Mireille Mathieu TV special.
Or not!
Merry Christmas! And hooray for GW specials - I was highly distressed not to see it on the Christmas schedules but all is now well with the world, given that I know when it is.
Hmm. I do hope there's a big parcel full of 'more exciting life' under the tree tomorrow...
Merry Christmas Patroclus! Hope you have an even better year than the last.
Pats, thank you for all the entertainment. I hope 2007 will be good to you and your mother and geographically kind to you and James and that by the time we're next all wishing each other season's greetings, it will be from neighbouring rooms in our Chateau (can't circumflex) Pats South-of-France blogging commune.
Merry Christmas Patroclus! It's nice to find something well written and interesting, with a small dose of cute soap opera and great taste in music... not such an easy thing to do. Hope you have great holiday!
Happy Christmas, Patroclus! Have a mince pie for me :)
merry christmas, P!
my lil sis has been given GW2 on DVD - shall aim to borrow and watch it all before 4/1 then...
Um, belated Merry Xmas. Hope it isn't too miserable.
Ahhh, thank you all, hope you all had a lovely time too. My laptop has been killed by a festive Christmas virus, so am commenting from the emergency internet kitchen set up for the virtually needy in downtown Prades sur Vernazobre. Nothing keeps me away from the internet, nothing at all, mwahahahaa.
And a very belated Happy Christmas from me; I've been out of touch in the bosom of my family's timeshare at Hermanus.
It's going to be a vintage year.
DavetheF: And a very merry belated Christmas to you. A vintage year, eh? I certainly hope so.
Violet: Bonus points for still managing to spell 'surreptitiously' correctly even while under the influence at 4am.
Oh God. I must never blog or comment drunk ever again. I am a fool. And it's too late to delete it now cos you've seen it. I loathe myself.
Aww, I liked that comment, as 'surreptitiously' is one of my favourite words. But now it is but a distant memory for all concerned. The beauty of the dustbin button, eh?
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