The real me is off again, to France and Finland, returning to Blighty in October (I hope). Patroclus's presence in the blogosphere will nevertheless continue to be an irritatingly permanent fixture, so expect regular fig, quince, fungi, cloudberry and reindeer carpaccio updates. Bet you can't wait.
About Vonnegut and Herron
3 days ago
I'm glad you'll continue to be present in the blogsphere - reading your blog is one of the (few) highlights of my working day.
Cloudberries, mmmm.
But you don't know the Finnish for "goodbye"?
I shall stick a cloudberry on the head of a lego man and sing a traditional finnish folk song in tribute.
Tim: It's "Hyvästi" (I think)
which, presumably, the "Sound of Music" librettist couldn't find a rhyme for (English is my first language - honestly!)
My favourite part of that song is:
"So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu - Adieu,Adieu to yieu and yieu and yieu..."
is it business or pleasure? or business-like pleasure or pleasurable business?
whatever: en-joy!
i know blackberries (er, brambles in 'scottish') and raspberries and strawberries and blueberries...but cloudberries??
*cocks ears to see if anyone is laughing and pointing at UC*
It must be just a pleasure. Welcome! Tervetuloa!
[Not singing any folk songs, but teaching you a bit. Goodbye is "näkemiin". "Hyvästi" is more like farewell forever, and we probably don't want you to say that.]
I thought you had just made this up so I googled. And they really do exist.
"In Finland the berries are eaten with "Leipäjuusto" (a local cheese) and much sugar."
Sounds, um, interesting.
(Unless Patroclus has also made up the entire Wikipedia entry too as part of her blog dissertation. Or just to mess with our heads...)
I saw something made from cloudberries in IKEA the other day but can't remember what it was (food not furniture though).
I've eaten cloudberries, in ice cream. As dessert, after elk stew, and astonishingly, none of that was made up.
Mmmm.... elky....
Elk stew AND ice cream?
Surely elk is only ever eaten in places where there is no refrigeration or normal food?
And cloudberries as well? Nah...
AND, bloody and, I had all that whilst camping in the Arctic Circle.
I am man, hear me roar.
(although it was July, so it wasn't that cold, in fact I wore a t-shirt a lot of the time, but still)
*growls a bit*
I know about cloudberries but is reindeer carpaccio a real dish? I thought those Lapps ate a sort of reindeer jerky.
Those Finns are very good at public health by the way and recently turned around a massive obesity problem, probably by putting everyone on a cloudberry and reindeer carpaccio diet.
I've had elk and cloudberries at a 4 star hotel in a Stockholm suburb. I am conference attender, hear me whine.
Cloudberries are rather delicious.
Reindeer carpaccio is indeed a real dish - I have eaten it in a posh restaurant in Helsinki, as alluded to here, in fact.
In other news, I'm pleased to see the berries-on-lego-men's-heads meme gathering momentum. I will try and get a photo in Helsinki of a cloudberry on a lego man's head. Probably a Viking lego man, unless they do Moomin lego these days.
wv: skxvxeli - the ancient Finnish art of adorning small plastic toys with indigenous berry fruit.
Kiss the hallowed ground of beloved Suomi for me at every opportunity.
I'll do my best, BiB - although that'll mean there'll be a *lot* of kissing going on.
Still, I'm not exactly complaining.
Oh good, is it a Suomi-trip with Herra Sininen Kissa (Mr. Blue Cat)? Well, kiss the hotel/tent-floor when he pops to the loo, or something.
Will do!
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