7.45am: Patroclus puts the finishing touches to an article that argues that Europe is a post-industrial society, and has to rely on service and intellectual property for economic growth.
8.00am: Patroclus goes out for a walk, observing the local populace hard at work harvesting grapes.
About Vonnegut and Herron
3 days ago
P. are you contactable by e-mail - I really need your advice on something...
I am indeed, have just emailed you.
I should add at this point that patroclus is currently sans internet, after a big dramatic french storm blew up all the telegraph poles in her village. Or something.
Don't worry. The sexy naked pouting French lady soldiers will come over and reconnect her with their guns and bosoms.
Ah, another mystery solved!
French lady soldiers, you say...
Where is all the intellectual property at then?
post industrial does not preclude pre industrial
I say while she's gone we cut a deal with Google to sell advertising space on her blog for the next seven hundred years. Muaaaahhhaahahhahaahaaa.
>>post industrial does not preclude pre industrial<<
You haven't seen it around here, GSE. It's like the fucking Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry out there. Sometimes I feel like a time-traveller from the post-industrial future.
I haven't been reconnected by a naked-apart-from-a-black-beret-and-assault-rifle Virginie Ledoyen, by the way. I've had to go out and forage for broadband with my trusty ADSL-snuffling pig. All too soon I will be plunged back into the Middle Ages.
*stomps off muttering dark imprecations*
sounds lovely. I may come and visit
Ah I see! I had a feeling the grapes might be in France. I saw people picking blackberries(not in France), I suppose that doesn't really count as farming though.
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