I might be taking a little break now, so don't be too distressed if I don't post anything for a while.
On the other hand, I might be back on Friday. But if not, then thanks to everyone for reading/commenting/being generally lovely, and I'll see you in a bit.
About Vonnegut and Herron
3 days ago
... well, the rest of 'em appear to 'ave gorn as well by the look of things.
Have fun, take care and make sure the third pelargonium is in safe hands ...
I'm already distressed!
Oh well, if you must... have fun.
Oh no! Summer holidays?
Looming family crisis - hopefully will come to nothing, but I can't tell at this point.
I have at least one major life crisis every summer, as a look back over my archives will reveal. I thought this one was going a bit too suspiciously well.
Actually, summer 2002 was OK, but 2003, 2004 and 2005 weren't so good.
Ah well.
Wah! Wah! Don't go. I hope your crisis turns out to be a storm in a teacup, I really do. Good luck - I'll miss your intelligent and witty writing. Stay sane if you can.
I have found of late that blogging is a good way of taking your mind of family crises.
Good luck.
Major crisis? Oh dear. I hope it all works out for you Patroclus. You'll be missed, come back soon.
A looming crisis that might take all summer, but equally might be resolved by Friday? Hmmm. Does this depend on whether you resolve it with protracted negotiation, or with a machete?
"All happy families are alike, while each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
(I think what Tolstoy was trying to say is that happy families are very tedious.)
I hope you are ok and things work out. Have enjoyed reading your blog...even though I haven't been on here long. Take carexxx
Pats, I'm sure the family crisis will be smoothed over by your lovely presence. Go and sort it out quickly, with everyone exchanging flowers and making obscenely sentimental declarations by the end of it all, and then be back to us by Friday and tell us all about it. (But hope it's nothing TOO bad, being serious for a sec.)
"Looming family crisis"? Ugh!
Hope it is resolved quickly and not too painfully.
hmm, sorry to hear this. Hope it resolves itself.
for your research, an article on blogging in america:
Hope all crises are resolved asap you have been instrumental in converting me to the blogging universe so thanks for that.
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