Things that have gone missing from my flat recently, despite the fact that no one has been round:
1. A white hand towel
2. My Archer Prewitt CD
3. A geranium
I think my flat is being haunted by the malevolent spirit of Linda Barker. Either that or I've got a dose of Le Horla. Frankly I'm not sure which is worse.
UPDATE: The Mystery Of The White Hand Towel (a lesser known Dorothy Sayers work) and The Archer Prewitt Enigma have now been solved, with the respective miscreants owning up in the comments box. The Curious Incident Of The Geranium In The Night-Time remains unsolved at the time of writing.
UPDATE 2: The Great She Elephant is doing a survey about blogs and PR, and I urge you all to go and impart your wisdom and experiences at this special site she's set up (oo, get her, all rigorous and that!)
About Vonnegut and Herron
3 days ago
Linda is no longer with us? (She's definitely malevolent...)
Just looked up Le Horla - I learn something new every time you post.
Maybe you have Borrowers and as we speak your CD is being used as a coffee table.
a geranium?!?
that's impressive.
It is impressive, CB - especially as the pot it was in is still there. Mysterious!
We went through a period like that. We lost a fridge magnet, a baking tray and a teaspoon. They've still not turned up. Maybe it's Borrowers.
Oops. Apologies to Annie - didn't read previous comments closely enough.
I'm always losing things, I think hide them from myself when I'm asleep.
I once found 3 pens, 2 books and a towel when I changed the sheets on my bed.
*Sheepishly puts hand up*
I have the white hand towel. I used it to mop up something nasty I knocked over your carpet (which you didn't like anyhow so probably should have just left it). Then felt bad leaving it for you to wash it. So took it home meaning to wash it and return it.
Ah - road to hell, good intentions etc etc
I never used a geranium or your Archer Prewitt CD to mop anything up. Honest.
Has cat eaten geranium?
A-ha! The truth *is* out there!
It's OK Tabby, rather you than Linda Barker any day. Is the white hand towel now an intercontinentally travelled white hand towel? Should I (or you) set up a new blog to recount The Adventures of the Little White Hand Towel?
Little White Hand Towel on the Prairie? (I don't know why I said that, but it made me laugh).
Hannah - have you looked in Billy's bed?
If it makes you feel any better, I've got a 5 foot tall scale model of the CN tower you can have...
>It's OK Tabby, rather you than Linda Barker any day.>
I would be flattered but know your thoughts on *woof woof*. White hand towel is Home Alone . Will send it instructions and get it to look out for plant and CD wandering the streets hand-in-hand /leaf-to-groove.
Err... I have the Archer Prewitt CD.
And I have the sneaking suspicion that one day you will find a shriveled up geranium carefully placed in a shoe.
Crikey! This post's only been up for four hours,and I have a sixty-six point six recurring strike rate! Would you like to swap the Archer Prewitt CD for the agent provocateur of the geranium-in-shoe movement?
Could the cat be responsible for the geranium? I'd blame my two but to the best of my knowledge, they haven't been round to yours.
Thank you for the link to the survey.
eh, just reread Hen's post and your subsequent and now feel redundant.
but you'd really swap your cat for an Archer Prewitt CD?
The oversized sponge finger of suspicion would indeed appear to be pointing catwards.
Or your shoe was hungry.
Mary Dejevsky took your geranium-I just saw her run up the street with it in a string bag.
Lost Geranium
Quite a sad story. Almost made me cry.
There's something quite sweet and poignant about 'I normally post over at the hosta forum'.
"Hannah - have you looked in Billy's bed?"
I looked, they weren't there.
Did you find anything else you'd lost while you were looking?
No, regrettably. Although this morning I was woken up by a badly balanced book falling off my bookcase which then knocked the glass of water by my bed onto my face. It was like something from a Heath Robinson machine.
The significant thing, my dear Patro, is that the miscreant who purloined the geranium did not require the pot. Perhaps you are aware that geraniums are, in fact, edible, and quite tasty in salad. I suggest that your geranium has been consumed.
I have your Archer Prewitt cd, or an identical one. Its on continuous play today, because I love it. Thank you for the recommendation.
DavetheF: That would be consistent with the MO of the prime suspect.
Skeadugenga: Oh, really? That makes me very happy. It's a lovely album, one of my favourite favourites. I listened to it non-stop for days when I got it, should get it back off Hen, really.
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