Can't blog about work...can't blog about my ex...can't blog about going out and doing glamorous things, because it's bleedin' January, innit...fed up of blogging about music...haven't got any hot celebrity gossip...won't blog about the news...nearly blogged about the evil salmon-hued organ of olde-worlde patriarchy that is the Financial Times Weekend Edition, but decided I needed to learn more about feminism first (pesky feminism, with its multifarious nuances and strands and waves, scratching, biting, etc.)...can't blog about anything that takes more than five minutes to compose, because work is really wait, can't blog about that, sorry, forgot...haven't seen anything funny lying around in the downstairs neighbour's stalking tendencies haven't quite developed to the point where they'll make a sufficiently chilling and sinister story...haven't been to any gigs...haven't lost any weight...haven't put on any weight...haven't seen the gay cowboy movie...
Bugger. Sorry folks. I'm off to assemble a wardrobe. See ya.
About fascination and muzzling
6 days ago
Haven't seen the gay cowboy movie yet either, but it's only a matter of time. I have an idea, make up a film in your head and review it. Or just imagine what it would have been cool if you had been doing and then blog about it. Or say sod it and bugger off.
whose wardrobe?
are you trinny and tranny's new stylist?
now that'd be sth to blog about...
do you mean 'put together some clothes' or actually 'pound nails and boards together to make a wardrobe'?
That's what's so amazing about you (Oh, God, sycophancy alert). You can blog about absolutely fuck all in no time flat and still be almost as funny as Armando Ianuuci in the new Observer.
Cowboy movie very,very good. 'Life on Mars' waiting to be seen and you've just stopped it becoming another tragic Sky+ 'discarded unviewed' statistic.
Sorry I'm not getting over here as often as I'd like, but they'll fire me any day soon and that will be bliss.
Cello! Long time no see! I was beginning to wonder whether you were bowing out of our little world. Very glad to know you're not.
"Almost as funny as Armando Iannucci" is even now being added to my reserve of future tag-lines for this blog.
You *must* see Life on Mars. And I must see the gay cowboy movie. Forthwith, if not sooner.
Bowing out? No chance. Just away a lot over New Year and now extremely busy. However if I did ever decide to retire gracefully and act my age, then I would just not turn up and eventually someone might notice. Or better if they didn't notice. It's what I do at parties - pretend to go to the loo and then slip out the back door. I hate saying goodbye, which is partly why I have changed jobs so rarely.
How are the wardrobes? Another Ikea spree?
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