Now blogging at the mighty rate of ONE POST PER YEAR, all hail the glorious return of the incomparable, inimitable and peerless PEANUT!
News Just In (thanks Betty for the tip-off): And what's more, the mighty Willie Lupin, of Musings from Middle England, is also back (after an even longer HIGH ATUS than PEANUT's), and is just as funny as he ever was, if not more so. Welcome back, Willie, and not a moment too soon.
NB I fully realise that Messrs PEANUT and Lupin have both actually been BACK! since November, but I catch on to things very slowly.
Next week: Dirty Den and Nick Cotton return to Albert Square (although for all I know, this might have actually just happened. Again.)
About old films
3 days ago
... did you know that Musings From Middle England is back from the dead as well?
Ooh, thanks Betty, I did not know that, although I have seen Mr Lupin on Facebook. Hurrah for prodigal bloggers, especially really good ones!
You're too kind, my dear.
I should really have put myself about a bit in Comment boxes to let people know I had risen from the dead. But that would feel like pimping for business and rather unseemly at my time of life.
Hello Patroclus, Merry Christmas!
I like Peanut's take on Barry Chuckle being involved with the missing disks haha.
Merry Christmas, P! Hope you and James are having a good day.
Season's Greetings!
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