Like every other website that's ever existed*, it's been archived by the
Earlier I enjoyed looking at what my blog used to look like in the olden days, before there were comments and post titles:

I was clearly much cooler then than I am now, what with living in North London, going on trips to San Francisco, reading weighty books about feminism and technology, and writing things in lower case. And didn't my blogroll look all neat and lovely, sigh. Mind you, I was on medication then, which probably explains it.
I also rediscovered the randomly-generated spoof Elle Decoration article that my brother and the lovely S and I (but mainly my brother) created, and which you can enjoy at your leisure here. Click refresh for more silliness.
* This may be a slight exaggeration.
UPDATE: Also, some of my apocryphal missing blog posts from 2004!
UPDATE 2: Sorry all, I know this is of no interest to anyone but me.
Nice colours...
Oh, my blog isn't old enough to test it on this. Damn, I want to see the first design I had, that horrible grey and yellow thing with the sardine can.
I wonder if I'll be calling my beautiful blue wallpaper "horrible" next year.
So if, theoretically of course, we were to write something that might get us dooced, and then change it, some swine somewhere may have an archive record of what we originally said?
Hey, I liked those colours, although admittedly it does look a bit like the back of an Open University textbook. Which was probably the kind of look I was aiming for at the time.
Dave: It's not inconceivable, I'm afraid.
Ha, as an ex-historian I'm liking this 2004 nostalgic trip.
Weren't things funny back then?
blimey - i do lower case (at least in comment boxes). does that make me cool (or, as i suspect, just slack)?
are blog years like dog years? seven for every one in rl? if so, your blog is virtually magna carta.
I used to have a nom de blog. And I was an orangutan, not a Magritte. But otherwise little has changed in (gulp) two years...
Good luck with the move! I know how traumatic it can be...
Long time lurker
Now all blogged up
2004 eh? That was a while back...
It's embarrassing seeing my websites in their early incarnations (1997ish) in the archive. However it did mean I could retrieve a file I lost from my PC and couldn't find backed up anywhere at home!
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