I was going to post a photo of the eight-poster bed too, but I think some things are best left to the imagination. Instead, here are the Atlantic waves breaking on the rocks below our window:

The Atlantic: not the Spanish Main, apparently.
My zodiac iconography stinks, but my French is pretty good
I only call it Christmash after too much egg nog.
Actually, I hate egg nog, it just seems like an appropriately Christmassy drink.
Christmash = Puréed Jesus
It's lovely with sauteed Buddha and pan fried Vishnu.
Book me in now!
Best Spanish mis-translation I ever saw was in a restaurant in Madrid, offering 'Pickled Openings'. Your guess is as good as mine...
Which one of you is Esther Rantzen and which one Cyril Fletcher?
we were offered a salad of lawyers in honfleur. avocat - geddit?
(and a paving slab of ox)
Billy: But what if there were three magic kinds of eggnog?
LC: You seem to have stumbled on the secret recipe for ambrosia, the food of the gods.
Clair: I'm not sure I want to think too closely about that.
Anon: I like to think we're both Louis Theroux, but sadly I think you may be more on the right track.
RG: Salad of lawyers is very good. Perhaps followed with a nicely grilled sea wolf, which I had last night. Mmm, sea wolf.
How does an eight poster bed work? Is it octagonal?
I'm going to pretend the bed actually *is* octagonal, instead of the rather more prosaic (although still quite exotic) reality of it being two single four-poster beds pushed together.
(There's still a huge chasm in the middle, though, rendering the act of pushing the beds together all but pointless. Bah.)
long ago in a galicia far, far away ...
sorry - only just thought of that and couldn't resist
I just remembered - I've got a better one! 'Iced selections of hand grenades'. It was an ice cream bombe in Cartagena...
When I was a student I had a 'double' that was actually two single beds pushed togehter.
They were two different heights though so it didn't quite work.
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