Yes, right, hmm, here I am, back from the lavender-scented wormhole in which I've been lounging for the past, hm, three weeks (crikey).
During my blogworld absence some, none or all of the following may or may not have occurred:
1. I made the lovely Mr BC drive to Somerset in a very large van in the pouring rain to pick up a sofa that is the identical twin of my existing wipe-clean cherry-red sofa that was once a recurring leitmotif in this very blog.
2. I accused South West Water of appropriating THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY SEVEN POUNDS of my own money, and then pretending they didn't have it. A response has yet to be forthcoming.
3. In a partially inebriated state, the lovely Mr BC mistook a sculpture made of mussel shells for a tasty cake.
4. Flies got in.
5. I went to the launch of the lovely Miss-Cellany's new book, Things To Do Now That You're A Mum, and I got a signed copy and a glass of lemonade. I urge you to purchase copies for anyone you know who's about to become a mum*, or has just become a mum, because it is full of useful advice like 'join a samba band', which isn't covered in the NHS 'Birth to Five' book (I know, I've checked).
6. I watched two episodes of Bonekickers and now I think I've been swindled by Time Team - real archaeology is all about fighting with baddies in underground caves and setting fire to unimaginably important historical artefacts.
7. I got massively over-excited at the news that Condé Nast is launching a new UK version of Wired, and have spent the last 48 hours wondering if I can persuade them to commission me to write an article about, I dunno, the carnivalesque production of the self in disembodied space or something.
8. I placed a bet on the new UK version of Wired not lasting more than five issues.
9. I grew 12 pepper plants from seed, and now I feel like Percy Thrower.
10. [LATE ENTRY] I realised that this blog is six years old today. Awww. How it all began.
* On which note, many congratulations to Scroobious, a recent recruit to the ranks of forthcoming parenthood.
About fascination and muzzling
5 days ago