Stop panicking everyone, the wandering Wyndham has been located! He's in the tearoom, over here, no doubt serving up cake and the finest wines known to humanity.
About fascination and muzzling
6 days ago
My zodiac iconography stinks, but my French is pretty good
Hurrah! I saw that but didn't want to mention it in case it frightened him away again. Not so much a Triffid as a shrinking violet.
He's not drunk, he's a multi-millionaire.
Good news.
Bad news - any idea why you and Betty aren't coming up on Bloglines?
I've switched to Google Reader as a protest.
Why might he have done that? I am loathe to leave a message in case it's us he wants to dump.
Which would be perfectly understandable.
I just get a bit bored with blogging, and then realise I get even more bored not doing it.
Blogs, eh - can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
Geoff: No idea about Bloglines, I'm afraid - perhaps it's a conspiracy by Google to bring down the competition and pave the way for the Glorious Triumph of Google Reader.
he pretty much did a lord lucan, then? i wonder if he wants to be found? like cello, i'm almost afraid to post in case he hates me and was trying to escape from my blogroll.
It's the Glorious Triumph of Google Reader in this house too now - I have switched. It's actually rather good, isn't it?
My Bloglines seems to be showing new posts okay.
And I've added Wyndham at his new abode.
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