In the first part of this particularly fine episode of Home & Away, not only did I sensationally find romance, but the prodigal Greta also sensationally reappeared at, er, Alf's caravan park*, clad in a fetching gingham dress with a claret-coloured jumper slung casually over one shoulder. Hurrah for Greta!
Now in part 2, your star-crossed heroine (that's me) sensationally announces her imminent departure from Summer Bay**, clutching naught but a copy of Neuromancer and a one-way ticket to PNG, sorry, I mean the south of France.
So I'm off for the foreseeable future, tending to family woes, in the land of Paltry and Feeble Internet Connections. The last time this happened, I wasn't seen in the blogosphere for nigh-on two years. I'll try not to make it that long this time. But if I do disappear, my sensational return two years hence will no doubt contribute to a particularly fine future episode.
So long then, folks. See you on the other side.
* It would probably help if I'd ever actually seen Home & Away.
** I had to look that up.
About Vonnegut and Herron
3 days ago
If this is Home & Away, when you return from France/PNG/Mars, you'll be played by a different actress.
The previous actress will meanwhile have made a bad disco record and appeared in panto in Huddersfield.
I seriously hope the next one is taller and has better hair.
Hope your mother gets better soon. Don't stay away too long.
I hope the family woes are not as woeful as might initially appear and that you have some good times in France.
Also, best of luck with the romance and please stay in the blogosphere, we'll miss you if you go. And from what I've seen, your hair isn't so bad ;-)
... well, it looks as if it's the best and worst of times for you at the moment.
Hope everything goes okay over in France and that you won't be away for too long. You'll be missed.
I'll miss your blog and excellent posting. Best of luck with everything. Love the Ro Mo x
I have got to stop threatening to stop blogging - it isn't big or clever.
I think I've developed an irrational fear that I might inadvertently abandon the blog and never return. In reality this is highly unlikely. Probably best just to ignore me. Mind you, I only have really creaky dial-up in France, so I might be forced to...climb hills and swim in rivers or something instead. Awful.
We're all thinking of you and here to help in any way we can. TR x
PS You have great hair (and being tall isn't all it's cracked up to be - it scares people).
In a completely selfish moment, I will just say 'Don't stay away too long, as I'll miss your blog', like I say - selfish I know!
But in all seriousness, all the best in the land of the frogs legs and garlic snails (I love garlic snails!).
Hurry back! We'll miss you!
Best of luck with everything, hope it all resolves ok.
Don't come back! Your blog's rubbish!
i think this is what they call reverse psychology
Patro, hope everything turns out well and I'll miss you and your blog. Although dial-up isn't completely useless.
Oh god, please come back! There's no authority figure in the office now, I'm going to go completely off the rails. Give it another couple of days and it's going to be just like Lord of the Flies round here...
*Wanders off to bully weaker coworkers*
Hope all goes well and come back soonxx
Ahh, thanks everyone. Today's sensational news is that this newfangled broadband malarky has finally penetrated south of the mighty river Vernazobre, and thus my umbilical connection to teh internets may soon be magically restored.
When I say 'soon', I mean 'soon' in France Télécom terms, i.e. a good few years hence.
So. I'm back after 2 weeks in France. I see that nothing of any significance has been happening round here...
Same old same old, cello, give or take a couple of minor details. Great to see you back, though!
I did have the merest inkling of course. Nothing much to say except to remind you about my comment on your similarly-shaped brains. Though a stepladder will be required if any vertical kissing is to be attempted.
We nearly made it to Olargues. If we had had one more day... but we did the Tarn Gorges instead. I had read IP's book just in case and was all ready to enter into a detailed conversation about Pre-Butix.
Fingers crossed re your mum. xx
Aha, the mellifluous Miss P! You cannot have left the Bush permanently? I've only just reconnected to cyberspace myself, only to find you've gone.
I think I'm going to cry...
Hope all goes well in France.
Merkin! Welcome back, my friend! I haven't deserted the Bush permanently, no. Just on a bit of an extended leave of absence.
And thank you, Baggiebird. NB PEANUT's brother (?) baby LUMPUS has reviewed a book about the Baggies here.
Just returned from holiday to find all the bloggers I follow have started falling in love with each other and threatening to stop blogging. This is better than the soaps, so please don't stop
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