Things that made me go 'awww' today:
1. Two teenagers, huddled together in sleeping bags, asleep on the hillside as the sun rose over the Iron Age hillfort. Around them was scattered the detritus of their open-air baccalauréat results party. Awww.
2. One of my top bestest mates from university, who now appears to be BBC News 24's Washington correspondent. He hasn't changed one bit since we used to play the matchbox drinking game in the Black Horse in 1990 (apart from the fact that he now wears a suit and has a picture of the Capitol behind him). Awww.
About Vonnegut and Herron
3 days ago
For some reason, I thought that meant they were Iron Age teenagers.
Oo, like in Stig of the Dump? Perhaps they were! They had a generator with them, though.
In Saturday's Graundiad, Kelly Osbourne said she was a big fan of Stig of the Dump.
She has now gone up in my estimations. Slightly.
What was her view on The Children of Green Knowe?
1. Awwwww
2. Wonderment (and insane jealousy) of how people get to do jobs like that? It surely just can't be because they worked really hard and were, like, dedicated and stuff.
The Blackie. God, I hated that place. I preferred the Royal Oak, near the Timepiece (although there was a rumour they put laudanum in the bitter, to pacify the punters). Oh, well done on the MA, btw. Can you send me a copy of the thesis? (I mean it.)
Pash - you've got adequacy problems? I'm writing a book about someone I was at college with. Again. In the movie of my life, I will be played by Toni Collette.
Ah, you see, that's the great thing about having a total lack of ambition - seeing people I know on telly and in the newspapers doesn't bother me. But this one was a good friend rather than just 'someone I was at uni with', so good for him, frankly. Last time I saw him on telly he was the BBC's Bristol correspondent, doing reports from Monkeyworld. So Washington probably isn't a lot different.
Tim: I gave up going to the Blacky in my second year, when I went all 'alternative' and spent the entire year drinking in the Ram.
Umm, when the thesis is actually properly handed in and everything (sometime next month), I might post it up here somewhere. Possibly.
yes, please post it.
thinking of you this evening when i came up with the idea of future publishers licking their chops to print some famous person's "collected comments on other people's blogs"
Ah, Tom, we're currently living in a dark age where we can't track people's comments. But that's probably about to change with the likes of CoComment and other similar new bits of software.
Just think, people will be able to read every comment you've ever made, ever. It doesn't bear thinking about, especially when you lose your anonymity and everyone will know it was *you* who said that thing on that person's blog when you were drunk.
By 'you', I mean 'one', obviously. I'm not for a minute suggesting that you leave drunk and inappropriate comments, Tom!
The matchbox game I remember that one. Did you do 'Oh what a feeling going for the ceiling' to double the fine?
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