K: Someone sent me something in the...oh, what's that's like email, but it comes on a trolley...
H: The post?
K: That's the one.
Me: You should start a blog, you know.
PP: Well I thought I might.
Me: You really should.
PP: Yes, I think I will start a blog, but I think I'll write it in a book.
tags: internet culture | blogging
About fascination and muzzling
6 days ago
PP just hasn't got the hang of it, has he?
Either that or he's got more of the hang of it than anyone else...
I remember an interview with LaToya Jackson many years ago. She was talking about how she was trying to get pregnant, but the AI didn't seem to be working. The interviewer asked why she didn't try getting pregnant the normal way (ie shagging) since she was, after all, married at the time.
She said something like, "Yeah, I think we might try that next."
Yes, quite good, but our idiots seem so subdued by comparison:
Fair point, VS, but you don't see Overheard In New York deciphering the Pictish Ogham inscriptions, do you?
Actually, that reminds me...
I told a friend that I had a blog, and, after I explained what it was, he said:
"Why can't you just write a diary, you stupid hippy!"
Blogs are for hippies? Gosh. I thought hippies were all back to earth and stuff. I'm so confused. Is the hypercyberinterweb a granola thing now?
Hippies *invented* the internet. Fibre-optic cables...ley's all the same global web of consciousness, man.
We owe it all to the hippies - at least that's what Time had to say on the matter - back in 1995.
Fabulous article that one, TR. Although I still have some difficulty squaring the "information wants to be free" idea with the "everyone should have the right to encrypt everything" idea. But maybe that's because I'm not a hippy.
As a hippy myself, I am only too ready to take most of the credit for the small amount of progress mankind has made over the last few decades. It has been a long hard slog but never forget, we have a lot in our favour - we're not peddling jam tomorrow which is always going to be a hard sell.
That depends, Tom - what kind of jam have you got?
I thought the internet was the province of geeks? *panics, fearing has been inadvertantly allowed into the wrong party and is only moments from being kicked out*
>>>"information wants to be free"
Rubbish, information is logically incapable of *wanting* anything. What does that actually mean?
>>>"everyone should have the right to encrypt everything"
Fair enough - but should everybody have the right to decrypt everything too?
*lurking quietly and learning a lot from this conversation*
what's information btw? and why do hippies have them? can i have some?
Sorry LC, poor choice of phrase. What I meant was 'the idea that information should be freely available'.
Off the top of my head, I find it difficult to square the fact that some people (yer 'internet hippies') are anti-copyright and pro-creative commons and all that, but also insist on the right to privacy and the right to encrypt everything.
Not that I'm criticising either of these things. I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation - I just haven't really thought it through yet.
Hippies want everything to be free as long as you pay them for it. The punks refused to pay.
I thought the Internet was started by Nasa? Or some scientific branch of the US govt anyway. The WEB may have been started by hippies (hippie, singular, please).
Hippies it was, from Stanford University. Vint Cerf and the like.
You're probably right about the singular 'hippie' though. Sorry about that.
With a few notable exceptions, people who are anti-copyright do not create anything worth copying. From certain angles their ideology looks like greed - they just don't want to pay for other people's work which they would prefer to copy for free.
Yay hippies. There is no dark side of the moon really...
Davethef: This explains all
Oo, hi Sean, and thanks LC - I've been worrying all day that my assertion that "hippies from Stanford invented the internet" might have been a just a little bit on the simplistic side.
Then I thought "and anyway, they probably only wear sandals in California because it's warm".
Then I had my hair cut, and everything seemed better after that.
>>Then I had my hair cut, and everything seemed better after that>>
It looks great!
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