Friday, October 14, 2005

Overheard In Waterstone's This Lunchtime

"Have you got The Little Tart, by Donna Friend?"


patroclus said...

Still, The Secret History was ace, eh?

Is it time to go home yet?

Urban Chick said...

i'm tempted to type ROTFLMAO even though i have never done this IRL (as it were)

but i wanted to convey, somehow, just how amused i was by this post (not doing so well so far)

and so i say to you:


[i like to think that amy jenkins tells a similar tale of when my friend and i were queuing for a coffee in the trafalgar square branch of waterstones saying how we had heard how rubbish her latest book was and what a shame after 'this life' and wotnot and then 'ooh, look there's a pile of them there!' then my friend whispered 'and there's amy say behind the pile']

gosh, i've rambled

eversosorry - i don't get out much

surly girl said...

once again i find myself plaintively crying "i rather loved the little friend". maybe because i read it before the secret history?